Busiest US Airports of 2006

According to the FAA, the busiest airports in the US for 2006 were:

Rank Operations Airport
1 976313 Atlanta
2 958643 Chicago O’Hare
3 702713 Dallas-Fort Worth
4 656842 Los Angeles
5 619474 Las Vegas
6 609522 Denver
7 603246 Houston Intercontinental
8 546510 Phoenix
9 515868 Philadelphia
10 510918 Charlotte
20 394915 Van Nuys
24 362796 Santa Ana
42 278388 San Diego-Gillespie Field

It is interesting to see that Gillespie Field is busier than Montgomery Field, busier even than Lindbergh Field (by about 4800 ops!). But I suppose I can say that I have flown in and out of 3 of the 50 busiest airports in the US.

5 thoughts on “Busiest US Airports of 2006”

  1. ….very interesting thanks for the link ! you training in socal ..? that nice ill find time and read your archives too i am sure its bond to make me nostalgic

  2. Thanks for the comment. I got my Private and Instrument here in SoCal, out of KMYF rather than KSEE.

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